
Cinnamon has a woody, earthy, sweet flavor. It’s a warming spice. Cinnamon was one of the major goals of world exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries and played an important role in the discovery of America.

The Romans believed its fragrance was sacred. Emperor Nero burned a year’s supply of the city’s cinnamon at the funeral rites of his wife, Poppaea. Indonesia and China are the chief sources of cinnamon. In India cinnamon is mostly grown in Kerala.



  • No artificial colors and preservatives
  • Consistency in quality across the year
  • All Choice spices and seeds are hygienically packed and undergo stringent and rigorous laboratory tests to meet food safety norms

While roasting cinnamon dry in a powdered form with other spices, roast for under 2 minutes over low heat. In Indian cuisine, cinnamon is an important ingredient in preparing    ‘Garam Masala’. Cinnamon is certainly the baker’s most important spice.