
The fennel seed has a sweet agreeable flavor and an odor similar to aniseed. It’s a cooling spice. In ancient times, fennel was considered to increase strength. Roman gladiators mixed it with their food before entering the arena. The famous battle of Marathon in 490 B.C, was fought on a fennel field. Fennel is a native of Europe and Asia Minor.

Today, India is by far the largest source of fennel along with Egypt and China. In India, it thrives in the sunny, limey well-drained loams of Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.



  • No artificial colors and preservatives
  • Consistency in quality across the year
  • All Everest spices and seeds are hygienically packed and undergo stringent and rigorous laboratory tests to meet fssai food safety norms

In India, fennel powder is always used without the frying process. In Chettinad cuisine, whole fennel seeds are used. Throughout the centuries fennel was prescribed for everything from weight loss to toothache to colic to snake bite.